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Xanthan Gum

Xanthan Gum

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Xanthan Gum  from Starwest comes in a powder form for your convenience. Xanthan Gum, which is a Polysaccharide, comes to us from a United States-based supplier and is kosher certified.


Xanthan Gum is most typically used as a food additive, but also has other common uses. The polysaccharide is actually produced when the Xanthamonas campestris bacterium ferments glucose or sucrose. Xanthan Gum has the ability to increase the viscous nature of a liquid, and thus can be used to thicken lotions, creams and gels in cosmetic preparations. It can work as a substitute for fat, and when used in ice creams it helps to prevent ice crystal formation.


Starwest Botanicals, as one of the largest suppliers of organic herbs in the United States and as a certified bulk herbs processor, works hard to bring the highest value to our customers by offering the finest dried herbs and herbal products available on the market today. That, along with excellent customer service and fair pricing, makes Starwest Botanicals one of the most popular online dried herbs merchants today. We directly source all of our dried herbs from growers located all around the world, and then we process them at our milling and packaging facility in order to oversee quality control at every step. All of our dried herbs and products come with a complete satisfaction guarantee

Warning: CHOKING: Taking this product without adequate fluid may cause it to swell and block your throat or esophagus and may cause choking. Do not take this product if you have difficulty in swallowing. If you experience chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty in swallowing or breathing after taking this product, seek immediate medical attention.

Directions: Take this product (child or adult dose) with at least 8 oz. (a full glass) of water or other fluid. Taking this product without enough liquid may cause choking. See choking warning.

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